The Anthony V Martin Charitable Foundation celebrates its’ 20th Anniversary

It all began with a love for animals. In March 2001, Anthony Martin took the leap of faith and decided to launch the AVM Charitable Foundation to donate to animal welfare causes all over the world. Twenty years on, and the foundation has changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of vulnerable animals and has ensured that the funding received goes directly towards actionable projects so that their is absolute certainty that the funding will improve the lives of the most animals as possible.

Over the years, the foundation has funded projects to support the end of bear bile farming in Asia, to support the homeless dogs on the streets of London, and some incredibly important behind the scenes work that for security reasons is not publicised.

Most astonishingly, Anthony Martin has entirely self funded the foundations work for two decades. In our opinion, he deserves a huge amount of credit and we can guarantee that there are many people around the world (and even more animals) that would love to extend their best wishes - which is a testament to the countless lives he’s touched.

In our opinion, the best way you can repay your thanks to Anthony, and the foundation, for twenty years service to animal welfare is to have a look at the projects which the foundation has supported. It is also a great place to find charities to make personal donations to.

If you run a charity or project promoting animal welfare then we would love to hear from you, and you can apply for grant funding here.

For now, we will raise a virtual toast — cheers to many more years of standing up for our animal companions!

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